Why is it important to forgive?

Why is it important to forgive?

In this life, man makes mistakes, intentionally or unintentionally. When we make a mistake, we think the person in front of us will forgive us, but when someone else makes a mistake, we get angry. In this blog, we will cover why it is important to forgive.

Forgiveness is one of the most powerful actions a human can take. It doesn't have any effect on the person receiving the forgiveness, but it has an enormous impact on the one granting it. Too few people understand this and as a result, some of the most powerful people in the world are stuck in the past.

Why is it important to forgive?

How many times in your life have you heard and spoken this phrase 'Be human', but how many times do we try to understand its deep meaning. 'Honor brings honor' and 'love gives birth to love', meaning 'honor for honor and love for love'. Remember a moment in your life when you helped someone without thinking about what I would get in return or how much I would have to pay for it. Allah Almighty has endowed man with many virtues and positive attributes. One of these virtues is piety or the practice of piety. Helping others is a selfless thought. We help people many times in our lives, but the thing to think about is how often this help is affected by the feeling of not getting anything in return. Unwillingly, somewhere or other, hope or expectation arises in our mind that we too will get something in return for this kindness, if nothing else, we expect gratitude in return.

So what is the kindness that transcends such expectations or feelings? What is the kindness that is invaluable to others but very easy and cheap for the helper? That kindness is to forgive someone's mistake.

Forgiving someone's mistake and getting rid of selfishness is a great virtue. In the process of forgiving, the one who forgives gets more happiness than the one who forgives. If considered, a small or big mistake can never be corrected by going to the past, nothing can be said for it except asking for forgiveness. If you forgive someone, you not only help them but you also help yourself.

To forgive is to think beyond one's ego, which is a difficult task and can only be done by a patient. Have you ever considered how much we forgive and how much we forgive in our daily lives?

How easy it is to say a word of apology to someone and in return think to yourself that this person must have forgiven us too. What if our parents didn't forgive us? What if God stopped forgiving us for our sins? So if we can't forgive anyone, then how can we expect God to forgive us?

A great man has said that not forgiving anyone for his mistake is tantamount to drinking poison and expecting its effect on others. Think that if there is no charity in this world called forgiveness then no one will be able to love; love is nothing without forgiveness and forgiveness is nothing without love.

The first thing you should do to be charitable is to be happy. Every human being should see his happiness before doing anything. It seems strange to hear that we should not prioritize our happiness, whereas we have always learned that even after sacrificing our happiness, we should put the happiness of others first. Does the question also arise that if you see your happiness first then how will you do charity? The two are at odds with each other.

So the answer is that if you are helping someone because of an external stimulus or an external stimulus, then it is not just a charity, but a charity whose source is an internal stimulus or an internal stimulus. Maybe you don't know that you can only make others happy when you are happy yourself. Sacrifice is a good thing but where is the happiness by sacrificing? If one sacrifices one's happiness by beating, again and again, one day it takes the form of despair which also has negative effects.

It is human nature that if we are upset or unhappy with our own life then we cannot truly appreciate it by looking at the happy life of others. The loser can never sincerely congratulate the winner, he has no malice behind it but his fault. Therefore, the first step in doing good for someone is the happiness and contentment of one's mind. And the same rule applies in the process of forgiveness.

A happy person cannot see others unhappy for long. It is said that he gives what he has to others. How can you give something that you do not have? A mango tree can always be expected to produce only mangoes and no fruit. Remember that if you are positive and happy inside, you will spread positivity around you.

"Fools do not forgive or forget. Forgetful people forget but do not forgive but a kind person forgives but never forgets." Goes but does not forgive, but a kind man forgives but does not forget. "

So if you forgive people in your daily life, it is the greatest kindness you have done to them unknowingly for which you do not have to pay anything.

It has also been said-

"to err is human and to forgive is divine"

Forgiveness is like lighting a darkroom in the light of which both the apologist and the forgiver know each other intimately. By forgiving someone, you give them a chance to prove their worth. Imagine if Draupadi had forgiven Duryodhana for his disrespect, perhaps there would not have been so much massacre in this battle of Mahabharata.

Why is it said that the dead should always be forgiven? Is it really because the person will never get a chance to apologize again or because you will never get a chance to forgive him again?

So if we shower a few drops of forgiveness on the dry land of life, flowers of hope and smile may bloom on this dry land.

So get angry in life, celebrate, teach and love but listen .... 'forgive me a little !!!


Alice Dunn

"Without even waiting," the dormouse shook its head impatiently after a minute or two.