Water Pollution: Causes and Consequences for Human Health

Water Pollution: Causes and Consequences for Human Health

When harmful elements like chemicals or bacteria pollute a stream, river, lake, ocean, aquifer, or other body of water, the quality of the water deteriorates and becomes toxic to humans or the environment.

In this blog, we will discuss the causes and consequences of water pollution on human health.
Water pollution is described as the contamination of a stream, river, lake, ocean, or other body of water, resulting in a decrease in water quality and toxicity to both the environment and humans.
Water pollution can be divided into two categories:
1. Organic pollution is caused by microorganisms in the water, such as bacteria and viruses, which are produced by feces, animal, and vegetable waste.
2. Pesticide nitrates and phosphates, human and animal medications, household items, heavy metals, acids, and hydrocarbons used in industries all contribute to chemical pollution.

Water Pollution's Primary Causes

When mercury leaks from the Earth's crust, it contaminates oceans, rivers, lakes, canals, and reservoirs. Human activity, on the other hand, is the most common source of poor water quality, as we'll see below:

Climate change is a serious issue

Global warming is caused by CO2 emissions, which heats the water and depletes its oxygen content.


Forest logging depletes water supplies and produces organic residue, which serves as a breeding ground for harmful bacteria.

Agriculture, manufacturing, and animal production all have a role in the economy.

Chemical dumping from these companies is one of the leading causes of water eutrophication.

Garbage and feces water dumped

More than 80% of the world's sewage ends up untreated in seas and rivers, according to the United Nations.

Maritime Transportation

Plastic contamination in the water is primarily caused by fishing boats, tankers, and cargo ships.

Spills of petroleum

During transportation and storage, oil and its by-products are subject to leaks, damaging our water supplies.

Water pollution's effects on groundwater and the oceans

For many people, groundwater—water contained in subterranean geologic formations known as aquifers—is a source of drinking water. In the United States, for example, roughly half of the population relies on groundwater for their residential water supply. Even though groundwater seems to be perfectly pure (due to natural filtration as it runs slowly through layers of soil), it can still be contaminated by dissolved chemicals, bacteria, and viruses. Subsurface sewage-disposal systems (e.g., septic tanks), industrial wastes disposed of in improperly lined or unlined landfills or lagoons, leachates from unlined municipal refuse landfills, mining, and petroleum production, and leaking underground storage tanks beneath gasoline service stations are all sources of chemical contaminants. In coastal areas, increased groundwater withdrawal (due to urbanization and industrialization) can result in saltwater intrusion: as the water table decreases, seawater is pulled into wells, causing saltwater intrusion.

Pollution caused by heat

Heat is a contaminant in water because it reduces the capacity of water to contain dissolved oxygen in solution and raises the rate of metabolism in fish. Important game fish species, such as trout, cannot survive in water with very low dissolved oxygen levels. The practice of releasing cooling water from power stations into rivers is a major source of heat; the released water can be up to 15 degrees Celsius (27 degrees Fahrenheit) warmer than naturally occurring water. Thermal pollution can also be defined as an increase in water temperatures as a result of global warming.

What Are the Health Consequences of Water Pollution?

Read on to learn how water contamination affects human health.

The presence of microplastics in the human body

Microplastics can be eaten in the form of contaminated seafood or contaminated water. Microplastics were identified in 77 percent of 64 anchovies studied by scientists in Tokyo Bay in 2016.
They've also been discovered in salt, beer, and other foods. Microplastics have been linked to oxidative stress, inflammatory reactions, and metabolic issues in humans, according to a study. However, more research is needed to back up these conclusions.

Getting nourishment from sewage-contaminated water

According to the WHO, around 2 billion people globally drink feces-contaminated water. Infected water can contain bacteria that cause diarrhea, dysentery, typhoid fever, cholera, hepatitis A, and polio.
According to the United Nations, over 297,000 children under the age of five die each year as a result of diseases caused by poor sanitation, hygiene, or contaminated drinking water.

Drinking water polluted with chemical waste is dangerous

Pesticides, fertilizers, and heavy metals are examples of chemical pollutants that, if taken, can cause serious health problems. For safe drinking water, a whole house water filter in Sydney can be used.
In 2014, residents of Flint, Michigan, experienced water contamination as a result of poor water testing and treatment. Rashes, hair loss, and itchy skin were all caused by the polluted water. After drinking the water, the quantity of lead in the children's blood increased.
Drinking water contaminated with chemical contaminants exposes a person to the following risks:
1. Cancer
2. Hormone levels fluctuate
3. Mental capacities change
4. Damage
5. The immune and reproductive systems have access to reliable data.
6. Cardiovascular and kidney problems

Furthermore, swimming in contaminated water can result in:

1. Rashes
2. Conjunctivitis
3. Lung infections are a type of infection that affects the lungs.
4. Hepatitis


One of the most effective methods to protect our waters is to support the Clean Water Rule, which specifies the scope of the Clean Water Act and protects drinking water.

Taylor Townsend

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