How to cancel LinkedIn Premium on your computer & iPhone ✅

How to cancel LinkedIn Premium on your computer & iPhone ✅

How do you cancel LinkedIn Premium? There's more than one way to find out how to cancel LinkedIn Premium on your computer! Here are some of the best ways to cancel LinkedIn Premium online.

If you've been using LinkedIn Premium, you might consider canceling it to stop spending money on it. Here's how to do that so you can get back to work! You can cancel your LinkedIn Premium subscription anytime, on any device. Here are the steps to follow on your computer and iPhone or iPad...


How to cancel LinkedIn Premium in a web browser

1. Navigate to in an internet browser.

2. Click "Me" on the pinnacle of the display screen and click "Access My Premium" withinside the dropdown menu.


1 in-the-manage-premium-account-section-click-cancel-subscription


3. In the Manage Premium account section, click "Cancel subscription."


2 click-continue-to-cancel


4. Click "Continue to cancel."


How to cancel LinkedIn Premium on an iPhone

Unfortunately, you can not cancel LinkedIn Premium for using the cellular app on Android or iPhone – you want to apply a browser on a computing device or PC. 


There is one exception – if you acquire your subscription to LinkedIn Premium via iTunes, you want to cancel it through iTunes. Here's the way to do it. 


1. Start the Settings app.

2. Tap your call on the pinnacle of the screen.

3. Tap "iTunes & App Store."


3 tap-your-apple-id


4. Tap your Apple ID on the pinnacle of the display screen, after which tap "View Apple ID" withinside the pop-up window. You may want to enter a passcode or use Face or Touch ID.


4 tap-subscriptions


5. Tap "Subscriptions."


5 tap-linked-in


6. Tap "LinkedIn."


7. Tap "Cancel Subscription," after which verify your choice.





To do so:

  1. Click Settings, View details, and then look for a link that says End membership.
  2. Click that link, and you should be prompted to enter your credit card information—enter any CC information required (you should not be charged), and then click Continue.
  3. Confirm when started by clicking a button that reads either Update [or end] my membership or similar verbiage.




Is LinkedIn Premium easy to cancel?

You can cancel your Premium subscription from the LinkedIn computer web website, online cell browser, or LinkedIn cell app if you obtain the Premium subscription through the LinkedIn computer web website online. After you cancel your subscription, your plan will expire at the cease of your cutting-edge billing cycle.



How do I stop Apple billing?

  • Open the Settings app.
  • Tap your name.
  • Tap Subscriptions.
  • Tap the subscription.
  • Tap Cancel Subscription. You may want to scroll right down to discover the Cancel Subscription button.


How do I cancel the LinkedIn premium app?

  • Access Google Play Store on your computer or cellular device. ...
  • Select My subscriptions at the left.
  • Locate your LinkedIn Premium Subscription. ...
  • Click Manage.
  • Click Cancel Subscription and affirm your decision.


How to cancel LinkedIn Premium on your computer & iPhone 

  • First, log in to your LinkedIn account and click the Me icon at the top of your LinkedIn homepage.
  • Select Access My Premium from the dropdown.
  • Click the Manage your Premium account button at the proper rail. You'll be redirected to the cancel LinkedIn premium in your Premium Subscription settings.
  • Under Manage subscription, click on Cancel subscription.


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